Lost In Translation

From Fairly Odd Father this weekend:

“Why is it when I don’t remember something, it’s because I’m not listening to you; but, when you don’t remember something, it’s because you were distracted?”


  1. THe correct answer, of course, is “What? Sorry honey. I didn’t hear you.”

  2. Blog Antagonist says

    HA. A truer statement was never heard. Just tell him that you are genetically programmed to see and hear everything and thus, remember nothing, while he is genetically programmed to tune it out, and thus remember nothing.

  3. Oh, The Joys says

    Damn their confounded arguements!

  4. Nooooot sure I understand his question….makes perfect sense to me

  5. pinks & blues girls says

    Your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I don’t see where your husband’s confusion is coming from.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  6. pinks & blues girls says

    Your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I don’t see where your husband’s confusion is coming from.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  7. pinks & blues girls says

    Your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I don’t see where your husband’s confusion is coming from.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  8. pinks & blues girls says

    Your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I don’t see where your husband’s confusion is coming from.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  9. pinks & blues girls says

    Your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I don’t see where your husband’s confusion is coming from.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  10. pinks & blues girls says

    Your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I don’t see where your husband’s confusion is coming from.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  11. pinks & blues girls says

    Your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I don’t see where your husband’s confusion is coming from.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  12. pinks & blues girls says

    Your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I don’t see where your husband’s confusion is coming from.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  13. pinks & blues girls says

    Your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I don’t see where your husband’s confusion is coming from.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  14. pinks & blues girls says

    Your explanation sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I don’t see where your husband’s confusion is coming from.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  15. Alex Elliot says

    Did you say “So what exactly is the problem?” 🙂

  16. I don’t get the confusion either.

    Maybe he should listen to you more and stop distracting you.

  17. Ha. husband had a statement the other day I wanted to post but I just can’t remember it 🙁

  18. Rock the Cradle says

    heh heh heh. Selective hearing lives.

  19. Oh my gosh. You’ve been talking to my husband again, haven’t you? heehee

  20. What I’ve discovered is that very often men don’t listen, but women listen to EVERYTHING. After a while, some stuff just gets lost iin all the white noise of everyday life.

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