The Third is Three

Still loves to hug and kiss his Mama;

Jumps at the chance to ride in Daddy’s Jeep and to be Daddy’s helper;

Plays cars, trucks and trains, along with loads of scooter riding and ball throwing;

Humors sisters with his version of dress up, playing Barbies and dance contests;

Looks back to see who is watching before plunging forward into some sort of mischievousness with a smile;

The perfect age, the perfect time, my perfect little boy. . .

Happy Third Birthday to my last baby, my little boy. I love you.


  1. Wow, I didn’t realize how close in age he was to Moe – she turns 3 in 10 days.

    Happy Birthday Little guy!

  2. Three is such a fun age. Happy birthday to your third!

  3. Happy birthday little man!!!

    Ah that remark “my last baby” got me teary.

  4. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  5. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  6. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  7. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  8. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  9. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  10. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  11. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  12. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  13. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  14. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Love that picture of you two being silly! Happy birthday to your little guy! My sister’s oldest will be 3 this month, so the two of them should have fun running around together tomorrow!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  15. happy Birthday to your littlest cutie! May the hugs and kisses last forever! (My hubs still hugs and kisses his Mom but he’s just as likely to throw her over his shoulder and carry her around the living room – too funny!)

  16. Three is a great age, isn’t it?

    Happy Birthday to your little guy!

  17. Happy birthday little man! Have a great one!

  18. Oh, The Joys says

    Here’s hopin’ three stays good at your house. It’s kickin’ me right in the butt.

  19. Happy birthday to your gorgeous boy! Take it from me, today is a very special day to be born on.

  20. Happy Birthday! I really liked “three”.

  21. Happy Birthday Big Boy, D!

    3 has been proving to be the sweetest time with M, so I hope you have the same with D.

  22. Yea, for three!

  23. Happy birthday D! Always happy to celebrate with another perfect Virgo.

  24. Rock the Cradle says

    Happy Birthday, Little Man!

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