Isn’t She Lovely?

Like the new look? My new banner and bloggy style comes from none other than the marvelous IzzyMom. I feel so grown up now! It seems fitting that I’d do this shortly before my one year anniversary, which falls on October 9th.

Now, if I could only figure out what I’m supposed to do on this site, I’d feel like a ‘real’ blogger! I was really excited that my Technorati Authority Number was 39, but I think the higher numbers are better—so, in other words, I actually suck.

In other news, it seems sadly ironic that this past week, Belly picked “Meerkats” as the creature she wanted to study (for science she picks a new creature every week). We read Meerkat books, colored Meerkat pictures and even watched Season 1 of Meerkat Manor, a show we had never seen before.

And, now, tonight, I get word that Flower, the feisty and brave leader of the “Whiskers” family, is dead (she actually died in February, but the news just aired). Fairly Odd Father sent me this link to an E! News story about her death.

Yes, of course, I cried.

This week, we’re learning about beetles. Ain’t no way I’m crying over a beetle.


  1. sandy shoes says

    I like the new look :).

  2. Salome's Mom says

    Love the look and that is exactly why I cannot watch Discovery Chanel’s Meercat Mannor! I love animals and those are specially sweet looking. I would be crying after every episode.

  3. Alpha DogMa says

    So I just now got the Fairy pun in your blog alias. Oh sweet doG in heaven. I am slow. So slow. I blame this motherhood gig. And anything else that makes me look less like a dullard.

  4. Oooh, spiffy.

  5. I LOVE your new look – clever!
    And meerkats are my favorite, although I’ve never seen this show. I sobbed ALL THE WAY through March of the Penguins now, so I’m shying away from any animal shows until I get tougher.

  6. Your banner is lovely. I particularly like the F and O and M. Pretty!

  7. Preeeetty.

    I’ve gotta start TiVoing those varments.

  8. Oh, I still have to laugh that you are in control of a blog. You, the gal whole BLEW UP the computer display at Disney. Daddy would be proud.

  9. Mary Alice says

    It is Boo-TEA-ful. Maybe I’ll get something done for my first blog anniversary too. You are doing very well at an authority of 39…I think I have a 19…I’m just glad it’s not 7 anymore…bigger is better so I hear, though I’m not sure what the heck they’re talking about still. I would probably get it if I had gone to Blogher. But for right now I’ll just say – it isn’t size (of authority) that matters, it’s the motion of the ocean, baby.

  10. The 1 year anniversary of what: growing up? I need to get me one of those, hee, maybe in another decade.

    Incidentally there is an old documentary somewhere called “Meercats United” which was old when I saw it in High School several centuries ago. Now that was helpful, no?

    Like the new look, and happy anniversary!

  11. Trenches of Mommyhood says

    Great bloggy makeover!

  12. What!? Noooo!
    Here I am just minding my own business and wandering around Blog land, find this blog with a cool name (love the cartoon, ahem, my KIDS love the cartoon, yeah, I am tooooooo busy doing housework and making jam from homegrown berries to watch cartoons…) and you go and tell me that FLOWER IS DEAD!!!! And being in Australia we probably won’t see the next series air for another 2 years…. hopefully I will forget by then.
    *off to sob in my latte* while I wander ’round your blog.

  13. I love the new look!
    I too cried during March of the Penguins and I’m such a complete sap that I would probably cry over beetles too—if it was filmed just right!

  14. Miguelina. says

    Looking Good!

    I also have an authority pf 39. It means we’re special.

  15. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  16. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  17. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  18. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  19. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  20. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  21. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  22. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  23. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  24. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  25. pinks & Blues Girls says

    Don’t you hate when t.v. shows make you cry? Sometimes I wish I had no empathy.

    LOVIN’ the new blog look! It totally fits you!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  26. Rock the Cradle says

    Ooooooooooo. Sparklies! I LOVE it!

  27. nuttnbunny says

    Fancy pants. 🙂

    For philanthropy check I totally heart them.

    Sorry bought the meerkat.

  28. Mrs. Chicky says

    It’s gorgeous dahling.

    And now I’m very glad i never started watching those damn meerkats. I’d be bawling like a baby.

  29. Blog Antagonist says

    Very cute!! Great new look, Izzy is so talented. I don’t “get” Technorati either. It has something to do with the number of linkbacks to your site, but beyond that, I’m lost.

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