Stepping and Diets

UPDATE: I broke 5,000 steps yesterday! (you may need to see here if you have no idea what I’m doing “breaking steps”).

And, on this day of New Year’s Resolutions, I’m talking about how I refuse to diet over at New England Mamas.

Happy New Year to all of you! Hope 2008 is your best year ever.


  1. Whoot!

    Here’s to moving our bodies in the New Year!

    Happy New Year!

  2. theotherbear says

    Happy New Year.
    I’d be frightened to count my steps lately, there might be so few that I wouldn’t need a pedometer. Here’s hoping I get a bit more active this year! 🙂

  3. Life As I Know It says

    YAY on the 5,000 steps!!

    I, on the other hand, did not venture far from my couch today.

  4. Excellent for you! Now if only there was a way that we could all figure out how to step in our sleep!

  5. PinksandBluesGirls says

    Good for you!! I have to make an effort to move much more this year! Actually, I signed up with my brother and sister-in-law to do a half Ironman on July 13th and I just realized this morning that that’s only 6 months away! Yikes!!

    Happy New Year!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

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