Double Dog Dare You

Alpha DogMa made a comment to my last post that sounded almost like a dare. She wrote, “The only way these photos could be better is if you had glasses. Because bad late 80s hair PLUS bad late 80s eyeglasses makes for liquid-snorted-out-of-your-nose laughter.”

Well, here ya go:

And also, a good ol‘ prom photo from the early 80’s:

Just don’t bring up the “blue eyeshadow” photos, cause those I ain’t sharin’.

For those who came here for an update on the kiddos, here is a story for you:

I ordered this neat book called See Inside Ancient Rome. It’s a picture book that features different scenes from Rome’s glory days. There are several flaps that you can lift on each page which shows you behind a door or curtain, or tells you an interesting little fact about the scene.

Two pages are dedicated to Rome’s public baths. On these pages is a scene of the interior of a bath house filled with little naked cartoon men. There are men in the hot pools, men in the steam room and men lifting weights outside. It is all very modest, save for some cute little cartoon bums.

Belly was fascinated with this section of the book and asked a bunch of questions (“where are the women?”; “why can’t we go to something like this?”; “aren’t they embarassed?”). We giggled at the little cartoon bums.

Then, peering closer at the pages, she asked, “Where are the peanuts*?”


“Um, dear, I’m sure Usborne books has made sure that no peanuts show. See this guy is holding a dumbbell in front of his, uh, peanuts. This guy is sitting. This guy has turned his back.”

She looked up at me, grabbed the book out of my hands and muttered, “I’m going to find the peanuts”.

*I have sanitized this retelling of the story so that I don’t end up with a bunch of weird Google searchers looking for, um, peanuts.


  1. Heh. Kids can be so inquisitive.

    This morning, we were helping Einey study for her spelling test this week (she missed it yesterday due to a snow day). the first work is chick. Meenie who is in a rhyming phase said “chick, lick, _ick. Do those rhyme”. Husband was standing there and burst out laughing. I just had to cover a giggle and say, “yes they do”.

  2. ROFL.

  3. Alpha DogMa says

    Oh, the 80s — good times. Your hair took feathering, really well! In photo #2 — is that the world’s largest prom corsage or the centre piece from the buffet table?

    I was never much for blue eye shadow. I preferred pink eye shadow on the lids, then purple feathered up to my eyebrows. Class through and through.

    I’m gonna set up the scanner later and show you my unfortunate Sally Jessy Raphael period.

    And aren’t Usbourne Readers the best!


  5. Chicky Chicky Baby says

    Can I print that picture out and post it on my wall? Please? It makes me so happy… That I wasn’t the only one with hair like that.

  6. Blog Antagonist says

    Why did we think it would look good to pull a huge hank of hair back on one side, but not on the other??? God. I can’t tell you how many pictures I have like that. The glasses too. I even had a sticker on mine. I. was. so. Kewl.

  7. Life As I Know It says

    LOVE the pictures! I’m sure I’ve got some similar ones somewhere packed away.

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