Oh My God, I AM Raising Geeks!

Overheard in the Fairly Odd Household the other day:

Belly: “Mommy, could you PLEASE read The Iliad to me while I eat lunch?”

For all you local yokels, I have a post up at New England Mamas about “our” kids’ museum.


  1. me too!! Thinker’s current extracurricular activities – chosen himself:chess club, viola lessons, bowling club, and lunch-bunch “reading the classics” book club.
    He is just like his father.

  2. Now, hush your mouth…there is absolutely nothing wrong with raising geeks.

  3. Wow thats some heavy reading there.

  4. AnotherMomCreation says

    I am shamed to say I don’t think my kids have ever even heard of “The Illiad” never mind ask to read it!!!

    Geeks are good though…. they stay out of trouble.

  5. Isn’t that part of the upper intestine?

    Seriously. My aim to to raise a geek.

  6. Alpha DogMa says

    Okay. Am I going to be in over my head with this homeschooling gig? Or were you reading a comic book version of the Illiad?

    Either way colour me impressed.

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