Ten More Things About Me

Paula from Rock the Cradle reached out and touched me for this meme.

Here are the VIR (very important rules):

  • Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

  • Share five random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog. Then,
    share the five top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list.

  • Tag a minimum of five random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment in their blog.

So, here we go:

Random and/or Weird Facts about FOM:

1. My nickname in college was “Beaker”, and not because I was a science-experiment geek.

It was for this:

2. I once stood on stage with my sister at a Southern Culture on the Skids show, dancing and throwing fried chicken at people.

3. I hate my teeth and would love to have them whitened but all the products I’ve tried so far are murder on my sensitive teeth.

4. I can’t do a cartwheel. This is no small regret; I feel it is a major goal I have never achieved.

5. I have to sleep with at least a sheet on me and my feet must be covered all the time. I blame Amelia from Trilogy of Terror which I secretly watched from the staircase of our apartment in Illinois. It seriously freaked me out and caused me to never, ever dangle my feet over the edge of the bed in the night. Just rereading the plot is enough to give me the willies.

Places I’d like to visit/revisit:

1. Heaven, or whatever there is for us in the ‘afterlife’. But, could I come back afterward to tell everyone?

2. Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. I would be a bad, bad girl and stick my entire head into the chocolate river.

3. Japan, so I can stock up on egg molds and other oddities.

4. A deserted beach somewhere in the South Pacific, with Fairly Odd Father by my side to spread the sunblock and feed me slushy drinks.

5. A college campus, although I don’t even want to think about taking classes until the kids are much, MUCH older (and self-sufficient). What would I study? Probably literature, philosophy and creative writing.

Now. . .who to tag, who to tag?

Let’s see if Another Mom Creation, Organized Chaos, Whirlwind, Nuttnbunny and Jenny’s Journal want to play.

If you live in Massachusetts, come check out the new law affecting kids.


  1. Alpha DogMa says

    I’m the same way with the sheet and the feet, but I’ve never seen that movie and I’m not even going to look at the synopsis. I am just that big a chicken.

    Any chance your husband looks like Beaker Honeydoo?

  2. nuttnbunny says

    The more I know the more I love. I’ll play on the next post. 🙂

  3. Rock the Cradle says

    Just for the record…I LOVED Beaker.

    Let me know when you go to Japan. I’ll meet you there.

  4. Weird. In my high school yearbook, I was “most likely to be nicknamed Beaker”. Something to do with the look of panic, I guess.

  5. oooh, the chocolate factory? excellent choice. I’ve always wanted to try some of that whipped cream from the spots on the mushroom.

    And finally, I posted my ten!

  6. Whirlwind says

    keep forgetting about this. I’ll try to remember this week to get to it!

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