Cheaper Than Therapy

“Think of this as marriage insurance”.

Spending the night in Boston isn’t cheap. Hotel, parking, dinner, drinks, more drinks, breakfast. . . these things add up. And, yet, I think of it as an insurance policy that we pay into—an agreement that once (maybe twice?) a year, we’ll steal away for about 24 hours to just focus on each other.

So, yeah, expensive, but worth every penny. Plus, we got this cool drink recipe from the bartender at Moo in Beacon Hill. It has the unfortunate name of Hoopty Doopty, but after a couple, you won’t care what it is called:

1/2 oz Orange Blossom Honey
3/4 oz Lime Juice
3/4 oz Apple Cider
2 oz 10 Cane Rum
Fresh Mint

Mix the honey, lime juice and apple cider together before adding the mint. Muddle the mint and then add rum. There may or may not have been ice.

Re-entry though is a bitch. The kids were (somewhat) happy to see us come home, but were too enthralled in the movie my mom had put on for them. There were way too many arguments today, and I was ready to head right back out to see if my hotel room was still available. Instead I wrote this post for New England Mamas about what I did with my bounty of vegetables this week.

Hoopty Doopty!


  1. Life As I Know It says

    Oh, Yes. Time away is totally worth the money spent.
    Glad you had a nice escape.

  2. Jozet at Halushki says

    Boston sounds wonderful! I went to college there and I miss it so much, but yes, expensive. Maybe BlogHer will be there next year and I can justify the expense.

    Me and the mister do need a weekend away, and soon. I’m thinking of a night in a yurt.

  3. Cristina says

    Glad you had a nice getaway!

  4. AnotherMomCreation says

    Sounds like a wonderful time!

    I am in the process of planning a husbandnapping for an overnight away….

  5. That’s just how we felt about our trip to NYC last month.

    Glad you were able to escape!

  6. PinksandBluesGirls says

    Sounds wonderful!! I love Boston!! Would you believe my husband has only been there for 3 Red Sox games!
    – Audrey
    OH…. I keep meaning to ask… can you give me that website again for the learning the alphabet? I would love to put together a “summer” program for the boys.

    email me:

    You’re the best!!
    – Audrey

  7. We’re getting ready to ship the kids away to my parents for a few days before we join them at the beach for July 4. Just the thought of having the house to ourselves is more than I can handle. Except I find myself planning which room I want to clean from top to bottom first knowing it would stay that way for more than 2 hours!

    Sorry I missed you in town but glad you had fun!

  8. I agree, dh and I try and get away 2 times a year. Glad you all had a great time!

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