Summer Days Driftin’ Away

Every year, on the Fourth of July, my grandmother used to say,

“The summer’s over!”

We’d all groan and tell her she was being ridiculous.

Turns out, she was right. Look what came in the mail today:

Yes, hurry up and fire up that grill. Summer’s over!

(just don’t tell him yet, ok?)


  1. SuburbanCorrespondent says

    As if time isn’t going fast enough as it is…

  2. Whirlwind says

    And here I thought summer hadn’t even begun (of course, weather wise, phew!). I guess I should buy summer clothes while I can before they are replaced with snow suits!

  3. It’s hysterical! The kid’s school sent out an email this morning about an open house June 24th for September’s registration session. We just graduated from kindergarten on Friday for peet’s sake!

  4. Life As I Know It says

    Are you kidding me? Am I the only one who cannot shop or even think about the next season when it is over 3 months away!?! Crazy.
    Geesh, school isn’t even out yet!

  5. Ha! My post for today begs to differ. Honest, I just started thinking about summer this morning. The sales cycles drive me crazy. I did find a bathing suit this year, though, last week! There were still a few left; I was so psyched, since I forgot about it in February when they were in the stores.

  6. I got the same catalog yesterday and thought it was pretty crazy. But then, don’t they move to back-to-school mode right after 4th of July?

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