Shredhead Update: If I squint, it looks like it’s working

Just started Level 3 of the 30-Day Shred. I’ve been consistent except for a few days I’ve taken off here and there.

So, how’s it going?

Well, I’m not going to weigh myself anymore because my weight is really going nowhere. And, while I know my weight is “just fine”, seeing that little needle hover in exactly the same place day after day does nothing for my psyche.

Also a week ago, I was visiting my wonderful Physical Therapist who helps me with my neck-and-shoulder issues, and I was complaining that I still have that “tire” around my midsection. She suggested that I need to up my cardio by a wee bit to try to burn off that extra fat. So, after Shredding for 20 minutes, this past week I have added 10 minutes of cardio on our recumbent bike.

Is this working?

Here is where I was when I posted my first post on March 7:


And here is me on Day 20 of my Shred:


(honestly, I can’t tell if my pants are hiked up more or if the bulge is reduced)

Here’s another angle; taken at the start of March:


And now:


Heck I don’t see much, do you? But, I do see something here, which wasn’t before:


Oh yeah, a little bitty muscle trying to come forth.

I’ll be back in ten days with another round of humiliating photos, so stay tuned!


  1. Rock it, mama!

  2. The pants may be hiked up a tiny bit more (compare distance between pants and belly button), but there’s NO WAY that they made that difference. You have totally slimmed down/firmed up! Also check out the butt firmness difference. Way awesome!

  3. You look tighter, medear.

    Yes you do!

  4. Heck ya its working!
    Your doing great, and check out that bicep!

  5. Lookin’ good!

    How do you like Level 3? It gives me a headache!

  6. I can see a difference in your abs. You look GREAT!

  7. Anonymous says

    You’re definitely leaner now. Keep it up!

  8. Subspace Beacon says

    There is less of you in the after. Good job! But your reduction is NOT enough to make me want to join the Shred gang. That Jillian lady scares me.

  9. Traceytreasure says

    Oh My Gawd you’re brave but you look better in your before pictures than I do now! I’ve heard about the Shred. I should probably do something. My youngest is 6 going on 7 and I’m tired of my muffin top!
    Good for you and all the others who’ve had success.
    You look GREAT!!


  10. Christina says

    I think you’re looking great! I can see a difference in your midsection and that bicep looks great!

    Go you!

  11. obimomkenobi says

    Definitely a tighter tummy. Keep up the good work!

  12. sam {temptingmama} says

    Wow! Damn you’re looking great!

    You know, I have the DVD now. I as all pumped to start, the DVD was late being shipped, I lost my mojo and it hasn’t come back. That is until now. Seeing actual results from someone I know changes everything!!

  13. I agree with all your comments! YOU LOOK AWESOME! Your an inspiration to us all! Keep up the shredding!

  14. I see biceps! Keep it goin’ hot mama! I had chowda, stuffed lobsta AND ice cream for dinner, so after 10,000 calories, I will have Billy Blanks kicking my flabby butt tomorrow. Oy.

  15. To begin with, you are little. To me the after pictures make you look a bit firmer. Keep up the good work!

  16. Chicky Chicky Baby says

    It’s not the pants, it’s working! It’s working!

    You have inspired me to get back on the Shred. I’ll be calling you in two days to bitch at you because I’m in pain.

  17. Boston Mamas says

    You. Are. Rocking. It! Congrats!

    We are going to be one toned bunch of chicks at BlogHer. Maybe I should walk around asking people to try to punch me in the stomach.


  18. Boston Mamas says

    You. Are. Rocking. It! Congrats!

    We are going to be one toned bunch of chicks at BlogHer. Maybe I should walk around asking people to try to punch me in the stomach.


  19. Boston Mamas says

    You. Are. Rocking. It! Congrats!

    We are going to be one toned bunch of chicks at BlogHer. Maybe I should walk around asking people to try to punch me in the stomach.


  20. Completely Rocking!!

  21. What a ratio of changing shape! Marvellous! Kepp it up.

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