Using the rhythm method

For me, the start of a new “school” year is all about finding a groove, or rhythm, to our day that feels natural. By natural, I mean that we need to all feel awake and ready to work when it’s time to work.

So, mornings are good, but not too early. Afternoons aren’t good because my brain stops working properly after 3pm.

But, I’ve hyperventilated more than once this week over the thought of trying to “do it all” this school year. What, pray tell, is “all”?

Two kids homeschooling this year;

An eager preschooler who wants to do some schoolwork too;

Writing for two cool sites; soon, three when this gets relaunched;

Exercising, something I need to do for my well being;

All the activities we have going on: soccer, girl scouts, dance, swimming, coop;

And, of course, fitting in playdates with homeschool and regular school friends.

We used to start doing school at 10am and finish by 1ish. But, with double the number of kids “in school”, I need more time. Which means I need to dial back our start time to 9am which eats into my valuable work time, and/or my workout time.

Since I can’t write at night (other than little quips on Twitter about whatever reality television show I happen to be watching), I have decided to try exercising after I put the kids to bed. Yes, Shred after Bed, or something like that.

So, tonight was to be Night #1. And instead of working out, I fell asleep on the couch.

I may need to think about this new schedule a little bit more.


  1. Finding a groove seems to be our big hurdle at the moment..

    Maybe have the kids PE class while you work out!

  2. Finding a groove seems to be our big hurdle at the moment..

    Maybe have the kids PE class while you work out!

  3. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    Yeah. If something is really important (like writing or exercising), doing it at night isn't the best choice for me. It's way too easy to fall asleep or put it off because of exhaustion.

    My preschooler is loving the workbooks, maze books and dot to dots. Add that to art projects (meaning I say: Here's some paper! Please don't cut your hair again!) and some of the educational toys that I had forgotten we'd had (who knew?!?) and she's got a regular old preschool at her little table.

  4. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    Yeah. If something is really important (like writing or exercising), doing it at night isn't the best choice for me. It's way too easy to fall asleep or put it off because of exhaustion.

    My preschooler is loving the workbooks, maze books and dot to dots. Add that to art projects (meaning I say: Here's some paper! Please don't cut your hair again!) and some of the educational toys that I had forgotten we'd had (who knew?!?) and she's got a regular old preschool at her little table.

  5. I know what you mean, it's terribly tough finding that balance. They do say that exercise is best to do before breakfast. Is there something you give the kids to do that will keep them occupied for 1/2 an hour – maybe even eating their breakfast while you work-out? prep everyones breakfast at the same time, and then sit them down for theirs do your shred then sit down for yours? if your kiids are anything like mine they'll still be eating anyways…

  6. I know what you mean, it's terribly tough finding that balance. They do say that exercise is best to do before breakfast. Is there something you give the kids to do that will keep them occupied for 1/2 an hour – maybe even eating their breakfast while you work-out? prep everyones breakfast at the same time, and then sit them down for theirs do your shred then sit down for yours? if your kiids are anything like mine they'll still be eating anyways…

  7. Chicky Chicky Baby says

    You can do it!

    Two words – Coffee. 🙂

  8. Chicky Chicky Baby says

    You can do it!

    Two words – Coffee. 🙂

  9. Methinks you will find your groove.

    I hate that out-of-control feeling. Lately my time is being eaten up with phone calls–insurance companies, doctor's offices, societies & organizations offering aid. I feel like Benjamin is getting lost in the shuffle & it breaks my heart.

    Since you have a few specific goals/tasks you wish to accomplish, you are already halfway there…it'll all fall into place! Don't worry. 🙂

  10. Methinks you will find your groove.

    I hate that out-of-control feeling. Lately my time is being eaten up with phone calls–insurance companies, doctor's offices, societies & organizations offering aid. I feel like Benjamin is getting lost in the shuffle & it breaks my heart.

    Since you have a few specific goals/tasks you wish to accomplish, you are already halfway there…it'll all fall into place! Don't worry. 🙂

  11. Can you shred after bed on the bed?

  12. Can you shred after bed on the bed?

  13. Exercising at night?

    You are a WAY better person than me. I can't even kid myself into thinking I'll do anything of use after 7 p.m.

    Today was my day 1 on The Shred. (It hurts to type.)

  14. Exercising at night?

    You are a WAY better person than me. I can't even kid myself into thinking I'll do anything of use after 7 p.m.

    Today was my day 1 on The Shred. (It hurts to type.)

  15. Moments Of Mom says

    I used to work out at night… before I had the third kid… now I can barely get there twice a week during the day…

    Good luck, I hope you find a way to get your "me time".

  16. Moments Of Mom says

    I used to work out at night… before I had the third kid… now I can barely get there twice a week during the day…

    Good luck, I hope you find a way to get your "me time".

  17. Wendy Hawksley says

    You will figure it all out, I'm sure. We are still trying to get into a groove (but we just moved halfway around the world this summer).

    Right now I'm toying with a "schedule" for myself. Must make sure it fits working out, homeschooling, writing…

    And that it all feels right!

  18. Wendy Hawksley says

    You will figure it all out, I'm sure. We are still trying to get into a groove (but we just moved halfway around the world this summer).

    Right now I'm toying with a "schedule" for myself. Must make sure it fits working out, homeschooling, writing…

    And that it all feels right!

  19. Okay, you've convinced me, I need to research this whole SHRED thing I keep reading about. Patois does have a decent suggestion, though I recently learned, via, that 30 minutes of moderate effort of sex only burns 44 calories. I'm sorry, but that the payoff is just not worth the effort.

  20. Okay, you've convinced me, I need to research this whole SHRED thing I keep reading about. Patois does have a decent suggestion, though I recently learned, via, that 30 minutes of moderate effort of sex only burns 44 calories. I'm sorry, but that the payoff is just not worth the effort.

  21. When you find your groove, please share it with all of us. My only advice is that in my experience, if I don't do the most unpleasant thing early enough, like exercise, than I will never do it at night.

  22. When you find your groove, please share it with all of us. My only advice is that in my experience, if I don't do the most unpleasant thing early enough, like exercise, than I will never do it at night.

  23. Suburban Correspondent says

    Start school at 8:30 – it will change your life. No school after lunch for me – my brain stops working at 1 PM and doesn't start back up again until 7.

  24. Suburban Correspondent says

    Start school at 8:30 – it will change your life. No school after lunch for me – my brain stops working at 1 PM and doesn't start back up again until 7.

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