The joy of the slacker Christmas

No big Christmas goose/duck/turkey/roast set on a fabulously decorated table.

Dinner was chicken nuggets and fries, followed by store-bought ice cream cake.

No fancy clothes. Actually, no clothes for the girls at all (they wore their PJ’s all day, so get yer mind outta the gutter).

No chestnuts on an open fire.

No doorbells ringing.

No timetable. No guests. No agenda.

As much as I love to see my extended family at Christmas, this was quieter, more low key and held absolutely no expectations.

Heck, I had one strong drink at noon, fell asleep at two and woke when it was dark. And no one cared.

It was a slacker Christmas, and it was perfect.

Hope your Christmas was too.


  1. Obi-Mom Kenobi says

    You are my hero. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have had your slacker Christmas. Maybe next year if we end up moving…

  2. Obi-Mom Kenobi says

    You are my hero. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have had your slacker Christmas. Maybe next year if we end up moving…

  3. Mommy, I'm Home says

    Sounds ideal!

  4. Mommy, I'm Home says

    Sounds ideal!

  5. Well now that was relaxing just reading it! Mine wasn't quite as low key but we didn't jump through hoops this year either.

  6. Well now that was relaxing just reading it! Mine wasn't quite as low key but we didn't jump through hoops this year either.

  7. designHER Momma says

    sounds FANTASTIC! wish mine was as low key…

  8. designHER Momma says

    sounds FANTASTIC! wish mine was as low key…

  9. We spent the day in our jammies, too!

    Happy New Year…wishing you the best (happy, healthy, the whole deal!!)

    How's that mini slinky treating D? It's a real bummer, isn't it?

  10. We spent the day in our jammies, too!

    Happy New Year…wishing you the best (happy, healthy, the whole deal!!)

    How's that mini slinky treating D? It's a real bummer, isn't it?

  11. Magic and Mayhem says

    Ours was pretty slacker too. So many people around here were snowed in and couldn't get to their relatives, church, etc. like us and everybody seems to have loved it! 🙂

  12. Magic and Mayhem says

    Ours was pretty slacker too. So many people around here were snowed in and couldn't get to their relatives, church, etc. like us and everybody seems to have loved it! 🙂

  13. Sounds perfect. All the best to you in the new year my friend.

  14. Sounds perfect. All the best to you in the new year my friend.

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