Wordless Wednesday: The Mini Mosh Pit

This is what happens when we make our kids wait a few minutes in a store with cool music and big mirrors. . .thankfully, no one tried to crowd surf.


  1. The Ranting Mommy says

    I'm glad to see mine aren't the only two who can't play for 5 minutes without shoving each other! Cute stuff!

  2. The Ranting Mommy says

    I'm glad to see mine aren't the only two who can't play for 5 minutes without shoving each other! Cute stuff!

  3. Audrey at Barking Mad says

    Oh goodness! I was sitting here watching this with Gaby next to me and she's dying to know what they were watching/playing with and can she have one? Oiy! I'm still waiting for her to ask me when she's getting a baby sibling. She thinks it's patently unfair that she has no one to boss around. Funny…I thought that's what *I* was for!

  4. Audrey at Barking Mad says

    Oh goodness! I was sitting here watching this with Gaby next to me and she's dying to know what they were watching/playing with and can she have one? Oiy! I'm still waiting for her to ask me when she's getting a baby sibling. She thinks it's patently unfair that she has no one to boss around. Funny…I thought that's what *I* was for!

  5. How fun!

  6. How fun!

  7. anne maskell says

    Boy, does that look familiar! I'm visiting you for WW. Have a great day.

  8. anne maskell says

    Boy, does that look familiar! I'm visiting you for WW. Have a great day.

  9. Obi-Mom Kenobi says


  10. Obi-Mom Kenobi says


  11. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    Stop iiiittt!!! God. If mother's had a penny for every time we heard that phrase… well. We'd have a sh!tload of pennies.

  12. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    Stop iiiittt!!! God. If mother's had a penny for every time we heard that phrase… well. We'd have a sh!tload of pennies.

  13. I love that!

  14. I love that!

  15. Anonymous says

    Cute kids. Was that at the GAP?

    Sandy Avila
    Director of Operations
    Prepped & Polished

  16. Anonymous says

    Cute kids. Was that at the GAP?

    Sandy Avila
    Director of Operations
    Prepped & Polished

  17. Fairly Odd Mother says

    No, it was Express. . .

  18. Fairly Odd Mother says

    No, it was Express. . .

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