Sticks and stones and scooters

I didn’t break a bone until I had moved out of the house.

Once I was on my own, however, I sprained both my ankles, broke a wrist, fractured an ankle, chipped my front tooth, and damaged both my knees so badly I was on crutches for weeks. Not all at once, but over a few short years.

This could be why I give my kids a little more leeway than my own mother did. I’m not sure if there is any proof in this, but I’m hoping if they learn their boundaries and capabilities young, they won’t go through their twenties like I did.

Let’s hope I’m doing the right thing: Because on Labor Day, when Jilly fell off her scooter in our driveway and fractured her wrist, I was contemplating wrapping my kids up in bubble wrap and refusing to let them out of the house. It wasn’t that long ago that D broke his humerus, his elbow and pulled a bookshelf onto himself. And Belly has also fractured her arm when she was a wee thing; I think my kids are starting to push the envelope on injuries.


And now Jilly: See her pretty pink cast? Thankfully she’s taking it in stride and will heal in a few short weeks, whereas my broken wrist took about 3 months when I was 29 years old.

I’m either getting all these mishaps out of the way while they are young or I’m just raising a bunch of hellions who know what the inside of the ER looks like really well.


  1. Jeff Schmitz says

    This is a faily odd comment

  2. Jeff Schmitz says

    This is a faily odd comment

  3. When you broke your arm did you get a stylish, coloured cast to match your wardrobe?

    (I'm afraid to comment about breaking bones lest I jinx myself. *knocks on wood*)

    Hope Jilly mends quickly!

  4. When you broke your arm did you get a stylish, coloured cast to match your wardrobe?

    (I'm afraid to comment about breaking bones lest I jinx myself. *knocks on wood*)

    Hope Jilly mends quickly!

  5. Fairly Odd Mother says

    Not the cool pink color, but I did get to pick a black cast!

    The cool thing is that now they can waterproof them for only about $25 more! It's SOOO worth it b/c they can bathe, swim or spray giant fire hoses without worrying about water getting down her arm.

  6. Fairly Odd Mother says

    Not the cool pink color, but I did get to pick a black cast!

    The cool thing is that now they can waterproof them for only about $25 more! It's SOOO worth it b/c they can bathe, swim or spray giant fire hoses without worrying about water getting down her arm.

  7. Amelia Sprout says

    My first broken bone was a toe when I was taking off my shoes.

    I think learning about ER's at a young age makes you more realistic when you're older. I saw my fair share of them for mangling my flesh. I know a lot about stitches.

  8. Amelia Sprout says

    My first broken bone was a toe when I was taking off my shoes.

    I think learning about ER's at a young age makes you more realistic when you're older. I saw my fair share of them for mangling my flesh. I know a lot about stitches.

  9. I so wish that when I broke my arm as a kid they had had available a colorful cast!

  10. I so wish that when I broke my arm as a kid they had had available a colorful cast!

  11. kids scooters says

    Well, these scooters are really nice. I am impressed by the models present in your site. But I am looking for the kids scooters online. Do you provide kids scooters too?

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