Wordless Wednesday: visiting the Easter Bunny, 1969


still gives me chills—look at those scary eyes!


  1. Aww! I have a very similar photo of my mom with a likewise "creepy" bunny, haha — I was never afraid of the Easter bunny, but Santa was a different story.

  2. Vita Stunder says

    A picture that really tells a story! Brilliant!

  3. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    I KNOW!!! Bunnies are small and cute. Whatever gave people the idea to make them huge and scary and sit our kids on their laps?

  4. Stacey @ RealWorldMom (Linky) says

    I see what you mean! LOL! You are very lucky to still have the photo. Happy WW!

  5. Maricris @ SittingAround says

    haha, Wow, Christina, It's nice that you have kept that photo. Happy Easter to you and your family.

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