The graduate

Tonight we said goodbye to our beloved babysitter who leaves for college this week.


M. moved next door when she was seven and has been one of our very favorite people ever since. She leaves for college this week—thankfully only an hour away. But, it’s hard. Watching her grow up has only made me realize how quickly these years pass. A few years ago, when she drove down the street in her father’s car for the first time, I quite literally burst into tears at the shock of seeing this little girl driving a car.

Yes, I’m aware of the irony: She has been taller than me since she was 15.

We love M. for many reasons, but I’ll sum it up with this: She has always made my children feel like they are the most fun kids on the planet. She truly seems to enjoy their company and has never made them feel like she is “only” their babysitter. Even tonight, in between going to see her friends and packing, she made a special visit to say “goodbye for now” to the kids before their bedtime.

For Belly, she is like an adored big sister. I used to joke that if M. and I were in a sinking boat, and Belly could only save one of us, she’d really have to think about it.


Jilly shows, quite literally, how she feels about M. by wrapping herself around her like a monkey clinging to its mama. I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to peel Jilly off of her. And while Jilly’s love can, well, hurt in its intensity, M. is so, so good and patient with her.


And then finally, there is D, my goofball who has little games he plays only with M. “Make the cute face!” she asks, and after joking around, he gives her his giant-eyed, puppy-dog look. She yells, “I’m coming to get you now cutie!” and he screeches delightedly and runs away.


Oh we’ll miss our girl next door. Thankfully she will be able to come home a few times a semester.  I know three kids who will be at her soon as they see her car.


  1. ack. gasp. I’m going to miss that girl, too…
    Mrs. Q. recently posted..Just beachyMy Profile

  2. I totally sympathize! Our beloved babysitter went off to grad school a month or so ago and it was very hard!
    Meg recently posted..P(dis)interestMy Profile

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