Fun with photos: Not Impressed

A few years ago, my husband found a hilarious way to keep the kids laughing while we waited and waited in lines at Disney World: Photo contests. I still laugh when I look at these pictures.

This time, he had an idea borrowed from McKayla Maroney’s not-too-happy photo at the Olympics and immortalized in mckayla’s not impressed.

 So, while we had a great time touring Philadelphia and Washington DC last month, we weren’t always impressed.


Rough start: Not impressed with Liberty Bell but only Jilly understands what to do. . .


Not impressed with threats of detention in Philadelphia.


Not impressed with Old City Philadelphia. D still making fish lips.


Not impressed with this historic Philadelphia building.


Not impressed with a cat that doesn’t move.


No, we’re not impressed, Franklin Fountain. (okay, yes, you were delicious)


So, this is Capitol Hill? Not impressed.


White House Tour before 9am? Not impressed. (really)


Yeah, some fountain. . .not impressed.


Yeah, yeah, yeah Air and Space Museum.


Moon, schmoon. . .not impressed.


D is not impressed waiting for our bike tour to start


Jilly is not impressed with her helmet.


I am not impressed with this close-up.


Not impressed unless he comes to life like in the movie.


Yeah, White House (again). Not impressed.

Please tell me we aren’t the only goofy family that fills up the camera with photos like this. I wonder what the other tourists thought of us.

Going Downton

Just before Valentine’s Day, I tweeted that I had never seen Downton Abbey. To which some smart-alec I know tweeted this to about 200k followers:


As you can imagine, I heard from a “few” devotees who pretty much begged me to tune in for “at least the first season.” 

So a few days later, with John by my side, we watched the first episode of the first season. Afterward, I tweeted, “t’was ok“. 

My husband wanted to know why we didn’t look like these women while we watched it.

But now, four episodes in, I’m starting to get the hang of it. You just have to step into that time and embrace their world view to truly experience those “WHOA!” moments with more oomph. Then, scenes like the Dowager Countess of Grantham’s first experience with a swivel chair really is hilarious. And Lady Mary’s acceptance of a male suitor to her bedroom makes your palms sweat in fear for her honor.

And so, I was truly immersed in the spirit of the day when we watched Lady Sybil proudly marched into the room in her new outfit and face her family.

PANTS!“, I stage-whispered to my husband in a mixture of shock and awe. And then giggled uncontrollably at how completely scandalous this had been to me.

Yes, Downton Abbey, you’ve got me hooked. I think my husband would still rather be watching The Walking Dead though.

The dog ate my Valentine

I spent Sunday and Monday in New York City wandering a vast space known as Toy Fair. While I was away, my husband John decided to surprise me by making homemade sugar cookies in the shape of hearts. 

This man? He knows I love cookies. And homemade anything, which is why he didn’t just go to the store to buy a mix. He made these cookies from scratch, with colored icing and all.

He carefully arranged the lovely cookies, which had filled the house with a sweet, buttery scent, and placed them in the very center of our kitchen island to await my return home.

A little while later, he came down the stairs to find frosting smeared all over the hardwoods, and a very guilty dog looking at him. 


Do you remember the dad’s tirade* in A Christmas Story after his beloved leg-lamp is broken? I’m pretty sure the house sounded like that for a few minutes.

The dog survived, and so did my husband, though I’m not sure he’ll be making  cookies anytime soon.

But thanks, my love, for the effort. It is so very much appreciated. Even if it was a 65-pound pooch with an undiscriminating palate who was the one who scarfed it all down.

*warning: sound clip will automatically play when link is clicked, so watch that volume!