Grade level ain’t nothin’ but a number

“What grade are you in?”

When this question is posed to one of my kids, they often glance up at me for guidance. And then I stand there and think for a moment, which must look really ridiculous—Who can’t remember what grade their kid is in, especially when that person is their teacher?

The curriculum we use is no help. All three kids are following a middle-school life sciences program, and our history program is written for middle schoolers too. My 1st grade son is doing second-grade math, but also plays math games in a weekly class with kindergarten kids. My oldest is in a writing program with kids from about three different grades.

But, that doesn’t mean they are all “beyond” their grade. My oldest, a fifth grader, is finishing last year’s math program, which is technically a fourth-grade book. Same with grammar. But, when we started this year, rather than close the books we had been doing in June, I chose to roll them over and actually finish them, even if it took all year to do it. But, that doesn’t mean it was an easy choice.

I worry that by “falling behind” a year, she will be at a disadvantage when she hits the high school years. Then again, isn’t it more important that she master the basic skills before she moves forward? I think most teachers would understand the value of  the latter even if the school system pushes the former—we found this out when we joined MAVA, our state’s virtual public school, for 8 weeks this past year. Their insistence that we keep “moving forward” even when the girls got stuck on a concept was one of the main reasons we quit.

But while I’ve heard many, many families talk about how their third graders are doing “fourth grade math” or kindergartners are reading “third grade books”, I don’t hear as many admitting that their children are below grade level in any subject.  Are we embarrassed? Afraid we’ll be judged as bad “teachers”?

What about you? If you homeschool, do you use grade level as a basis for the curriculum you purchase? Will you move on to the “next grade” in September, even if you didn’t finish this year’s books?

Are you quicker to offer that your child is “above grade level” in certain subjects than below?  I sure am. But I wish I didn’t care.


Signs I may be getting old. . .

I’m more than a little shocked that I will be turning 45 in a few short months (July, in case you want to start planning a cake). But there are definitely signs that I’m not a spry young thing anymore.

* The hands I see at the bottom of my wrists look suspiciously like they belong to an older woman.

* I see the scale creep up and, instead of starving myself down to the weight of my 30’s, I buy the next size up in pants. Without apology.

* The story of Green Day is being made into a musical. A musical!

* I don’t chew ice, nuts, or hard candy with as much abandon because I know I’m one bite away from my second crown.

* My daughter tells me that the hair color I just picked out at the store would look awesome! On a fifteen year old. (I put the box back on the shelf.)

*Starbucks’ Vanilla Latte suddenly tastes too sweet.

* I finally meet Sarah Shannon, the cool former lead of Velocity Girl and current lead of kindie band The Not-Its!, and we talk about how our overused uteruses will never let us enjoy a bounce house again.

* I worry about morality (and literacy) in America when 50 Shades of Grey is on The New York Times Bestseller list.

* I don’t even pretend to wear contacts anymore because my glasses are so much more convenient.

* My first born finishes Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret? and has no questions.

* I take the kids out for ice cream and don’t really feel like getting any. So I don’t.

* I buy shoes from Zappos’ “Comfort” section. And love them.

Make me feel better. . .What signs make you feel like you are getting old? 

Testing, testing (is this thing on?)

So. . . how do you like the new site???

We will call the next few months, The Bumpy Months, as it will take me a while to get used to WordPress and all the magic it holds for a little blogger like me. Holy cow: there are spaces on my posting page for Meta Keywords and Custom Canonical URL’s—-I don’t even know what these things are!

And I’ve got some work to do to get all the new content and widgets I’ve been dreaming up in my spare time. That may take me a little while to finish up.

But I’m so pleased with the shiny new site that Cynthia at NW Designs has created, and really really hope you like it too.

Now, I’m going to hit publish, hold my breath and hope it all does with it is supposed to do.