The dog ate my Valentine

I spent Sunday and Monday in New York City wandering a vast space known as Toy Fair. While I was away, my husband John decided to surprise me by making homemade sugar cookies in the shape of hearts. 

This man? He knows I love cookies. And homemade anything, which is why he didn’t just go to the store to buy a mix. He made these cookies from scratch, with colored icing and all.

He carefully arranged the lovely cookies, which had filled the house with a sweet, buttery scent, and placed them in the very center of our kitchen island to await my return home.

A little while later, he came down the stairs to find frosting smeared all over the hardwoods, and a very guilty dog looking at him. 


Do you remember the dad’s tirade* in A Christmas Story after his beloved leg-lamp is broken? I’m pretty sure the house sounded like that for a few minutes.

The dog survived, and so did my husband, though I’m not sure he’ll be making  cookies anytime soon.

But thanks, my love, for the effort. It is so very much appreciated. Even if it was a 65-pound pooch with an undiscriminating palate who was the one who scarfed it all down.

*warning: sound clip will automatically play when link is clicked, so watch that volume!

Chocolate Wine: Nectar of the smart gods



. . is incredible. 

It was my mother who introduced me to this numminess that is known as chocolate wine. 

It happened on Christmas Eve, at her house. She was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “C’mon. . .you have to try this,” she whispered to me while the kids were occupied with their gifts. 

I saw the bottle of chocolate wine and thought, “ewwwwwwww. . .” 

Doesn’t it sound disgusting? Chocolate and red wine? They might be ok separately, but together? 

Let’s just say I was hooked from the first sip. And a little worried about my mom who had four unopened bottles on the top of her cupboard.

I went to my local liquor store and practically whispered apologetically, “Where is the chocolate wine?” because I figured it must be the least-cool product in the entire shop, given that my mother—-the Beringers-Pink-Zinfandel drinker—had turned me on to it.

Mais non. . .turns out even the young guy in the liquor store was excited about this and talked enthusiastically about the trio of flavors (Chocolate, Chocolate Espresso and Chocolate Raspbery) and the “whipped cream vodka” (wah?) I must try with it. My favorite turns out to be Chocolate Espresso which is rich and lick-the-bottom-of-the-wine-glass yummy. Yes, I know I must look ridiculous.

This is not a drink that makes you drink the bottle by yourself in one sitting (thank goodness)—it’s a one-little-glass-to-unwind type of drink. And based on the number of people who have said, “OH! I love that!”, it is, indeed, hot.

Thanks Mom! Now, about that Beringers. . .

Just another day at the office

This struck me as all kinds of funny when we were in San Francisco for the sneak-peak of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D:

If you’re curious what I thought of the movie (and some other tidbits about our trip), read what I had to say over at Cool Mom Picks.