I spent Sunday and Monday in New York City wandering a vast space known as Toy Fair. While I was away, my husband John decided to surprise me by making homemade sugar cookies in the shape of hearts.
This man? He knows I love cookies. And homemade anything, which is why he didn’t just go to the store to buy a mix. He made these cookies from scratch, with colored icing and all.
He carefully arranged the lovely cookies, which had filled the house with a sweet, buttery scent, and placed them in the very center of our kitchen island to await my return home.
A little while later, he came down the stairs to find frosting smeared all over the hardwoods, and a very guilty dog looking at him.
Do you remember the dad’s tirade* in A Christmas Story after his beloved leg-lamp is broken? I’m pretty sure the house sounded like that for a few minutes.
The dog survived, and so did my husband, though I’m not sure he’ll be making cookies anytime soon.
But thanks, my love, for the effort. It is so very much appreciated. Even if it was a 65-pound pooch with an undiscriminating palate who was the one who scarfed it all down.
*warning: sound clip will automatically play when link is clicked, so watch that volume!