So proud
Running in packs
The best game ever
I saw a beautiful kickball game today.
OK, I know that “beautiful” + “kickball” don’t always show up in the same sentence but bear with me:
This afternoon, I walked outside to the back of our weekly homeschool coop and saw a bunch of kids—ranging in age from about six to fifteen—running and laughing. One of the boys—around eight years old—breathlessly told me, “This is the Best Game Ever!!!“
I wondered what game they must’ve invented to make it the “best game ever”.
Turns out, they were just playing kickball.
What made it beautiful though were all the different ages playing together.
Where they competitive? Hell, yeah. Except when they weren’t, like when a sweet three-year-old in a dress asked if she could kick. Then, they were gentle, even the boys who were at that age when sometimes gentle can be trumped by the desire to win.
At one point, my six-year-old son (D) was sitting on second base, apparently tired out by all the activity of the morning. The teenager “pitched” the ball and the kick went sailing over his head, straight past my son.
With a lazy wave of his foot, D stopped the ball from sailing past, without getting up off his butt.
I waited for the older boys to chide him for sitting when he should obviously been on his feet, trying to stop the ball, trying to win. Instead, the teen laughed and said, “NICE stop!” and congratulated him on doing it without having to get up off the ground.
I’m fortunate to see a lot of teens like this every week. Sweet, friendly, happy teens who make me feel good about my chances of raising the same. It makes my heart swell.
And it turns a regular kickball game into the best, most beautiful, game ever.