You’ve got a friend

My oldest takes an art class at our much-loved homeschooling coop. Yesterday, in their last class of the session, the kids went around the room and told each other what they liked about each other (admittedly, this has nothing to do with art, but there is a nice vibe of cooperation and honesty that runs through the class, and the kids are encouraged to support one another).

Belly remembered that two girls called her “pretty” (awwww) but the one comment that stuck out to her, to me, and to the teacher was the girl who said this:

If there was someone in the room who didn’t know anyone, you’d be the first person to go over and say hi and be friendly to them.

After such a tough year, when I’ve questioned everything from my parenting ability to my teaching skills, these words are all I need to feel like I’m doing something right.

Wordless Wednesday: The Science Fair







not ours but. . .a Hover Craft!


think my nephew liked it?

a Science Fair wouldn’t be complete without an exploding volcano!

(A BIG thank you to everyone who did the test for our science experiment. May someone bring you fresh cookies today.)

Help a mother out

Oh, mother* can you spare 30 seconds?

My kids have a science experiment due any day now, and have just settled on something they think is pretty neat. But I need your help (and the help of your kids if they are willing).

First please visit this page. You’ll see this:


When you have a moment, click on “Go to first test”. As soon as you see the pictures of animals, read them aloud (focus on the pictures, not the words). When you have reached the last animal, hit “Finish” and write down your time.

Then hit “Continue Experiment”, and as soon as the second test loads, name the animals you see, trying to ignore the words written across their bodies. Hit “Finish” and write down this time.

Then send me your two times, either as a comment to this post, or as an email to: . If your kids do the test too, please let me know the age of each child and whether or not they can read yet.

Thanks so much from a big procrastinator and her kids (who aren’t too pleased that she signed them up for a homeschool science fair without their knowledge).

I’ll accept submissions until Sunday in case you have other family members who want to try it out too. For every result you send me, a fairy gets its wings. Or something like that.

*fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and total strangers are welcome to participate too!