Yesterday was a day for exclamation marks!
My sistah, the lovely “Mrs Q” who posts around the blogosphere from time-to-time, surprised us all! She had her baby a day earlier than her scheduled c-section!
Now, I was not there when the baby arrived, but I got the scoop, and since she has not started her own blog (yet. . .I’m working on her), I will share the scoop with you. It’ll be better if you imagine you are her, ok? Play along. . .
(dissolve to dream sequence; you look fabulous with this filtering thingy over the camera lens!)
Imagine that you are scheduled to have a c-section on Tuesday because your beloved second child cannot figure out how to get out of your belly. Instead of head down, or even feet down, this baby lies sideways, turning your poor distended stomach into a hammock of sorts. Sway, sway, sway. You are in p-a-i-n from all this swaying.
Imagine that in the darkened wee hours of Monday morning, you feel your water break. You start off for the hospital with your husband who breaks all land-speed records (he, in fact, causes a sonic boom!) by driving you to the one-hour-away hospital in 25 minutes.
Imagine that the hospital starts to get you ready for a c-section since the baby is still breech. You are still in triage, in a teeny, tiny little room. Everyone seems to be moving v..e..r..y…..s…l…o…w…l…y… even though your contractions are less than two minutes apart, and did I mention that this is your second child?
Imagine that you tell a nurse that you feel like you feel like there is too much pressure, you need to push. She smiles and tells you that all will be fine, to hang in there and wait for the anesthesiologist to get there (yes, you can imagine that this is all happening without a single narcotic in your system).
Imagine that you feel . . . something . . . and then, ohmygodthatisafootafootiscomingoutofmybodyohmygodohmygodohmygod. The nurse, glances over, shrieks, and runs out of the room screaming, “BREECHFOOTBABYBIRTHRIGHTNOW!!!!”, or something like that.
Imagine there are now eight others crowded into a teeny tiny triage room. One of these strangers gets the other leg down and then. . .SLOOP!. . .pulls out your baby after a couple of short pushes by you.
Imagine that someone cuts the cord and then the baby—-disappears! The nurses have run out of the teeny tiny room with the baby to find a place to clean the baby off. Wonder why you are still calling this child “the baby” and asks politely, “What did I have? Is it a boy? A girl?” Watch as everyone in the teeny tiny room looks at each other and realizes that no one knows! Someone is sent to find your baby, and you soon find out that IT’S A GIRL!
A beautiful, perfect baby girl with jet black hair and long fingernails. You are soon holding your perfect baby girl in the hammock position she loved for so many months.
Behold beautiful baby girl and momma.
And, here is me with my new–and first–niece. Could I look any happier? I don’t think so.
what a celebratory post to happen upon my first time here! and i get to see you (and half your family!) at the same time…very cool.
many congrats to your sister & family. what a birth story…yikes.
Breech delivery? WOW! And OUCH! Very exciting recap. Glad everyone is doing well.
You look fabulous, by the way. Cute hair do!
You left out the most important detail! Name please!
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Q! She’s a real beauty – just like her mom….
Really enjoyed seeing the pictures and hearing the news. Congratulations to your sister and her husband. Tell them Mrs. C is happy for them.
You look GREAT,C. My K will be seeing you soon.
Wow congrats! Makes me kind of jealous. My breech delivery lasted 45 hours.
WOW! Now that makes either of our birth stories not quite as interesting! I love birth stories! Congrats Mrs. Q…. I’ve been waiting for her to start a blog too!
I hope i get to meet this new little girl, what is her name anyway?
Hurrah! Welcome new one!
The story made me gasp…and then the photos made me cry. AND NO I’M NOT JUST HORMONAL.
Please give the lovely Mrs. Q my very very best on the beautiful little girl. She has a playmate just 10 days older in NY, waiting to meet her!
Oh Lord, I’m in tears. What a great story. And storytelling, too!
Imagine finding a foot sticking out between your legs. Ha!
Congrats to your sister.
You look absolutely tickled pink!
I’m still cringing at the thought of a foot emerging…from there…while medical professionals patted her on the head and said “There there, silly girl.”
What a crazy story!! Congratulations to your sister and her beautiful baby girl.
And, btw, how cute are you?
What a fabulous story. I felt like I was there! Congratulation to all. Maybe Daddy should consider a career change…NASCAR perhaps?
That story is insane! Congrats to your sister and her lovely little lady (and to you, auntie).
Well if that isn’t a birth story to beat the band. Glad everyone is safe and well and looking oh-so-happy!
Wacky beautiful story! Big welcome to the little girl!
What a great story!!! Holy cow, I cannot believe she birthed a breach baby without drugs. And what the hell is up with nurses that don’t listen to moms who KNOW what is going on in their own body? She’s lucky she and beautiful babe are okay. Congratulations, Auntie!
I had a footling breech too. It’s very ‘exciting’ for the OB staff. Congrats to your sister.
Wow, a footling breech without a c-section? How did her perineum fare? Sorry…that’s my doula background kicking in. What a beautiful baby and an amazing story. Congratulations to Mrs. Q!!
Holy cow. That’s some birth story. Congratulations to you and of course to your sister and her family.
That crazy kid! That’s the best thing I’ve read all day.
Congratulations to you and your family!
Wow, that must have been really scary, but I’m glad both of them were all right.
Way to make an entrance, kid!
(Incidentally, I can never get over the way nurses ignore mothers perceptions of what is going on during labor, or how they tell laboring women who are not anesthetized “Just be quiet” when they are in pain, or “Just don’t push” when the urge comes. In my labor experience there came a certain point when I was not in control of the pushing– my body was pushing on its own, and my mind was just sort of along for the ride. I think the final pushes are like that for a lot of women. What I find especially perplexing about this is that enough nurses are women that I imagine many of them have given birth. Did they just forget? Weird.)
Wow, that must have been really scary, but I’m glad both of them were all right.
Way to make an entrance, kid!
(Incidentally, I can never get over the way nurses ignore mothers perceptions of what is going on during labor, or how they tell laboring women who are not anesthetized “Just be quiet” when they are in pain, or “Just don’t push” when the urge comes. In my labor experience there came a certain point when I was not in control of the pushing– my body was pushing on its own, and my mind was just sort of along for the ride. I think the final pushes are like that for a lot of women. What I find especially perplexing about this is that enough nurses are women that I imagine many of them have given birth. Did they just forget? Weird.)
Now THAT is a great birth story!!!
Congrats on becoming an aunt!!!
Wow wow wow, congrats Auntie!!
Why is it that they never seem to believe it when you say– um yeah so this kid is shooting outta me right now
Yeah for new babies! Yeah for Mrs. Q! What a great story – though really any story that involves ‘transitioning a child out of your innards into the big wild world’ is interesting.
And now I know what you look like! You look like I thought you would. You look like someone I’d approach at a playground and say, “you look like a person with whom I could be friends regardless of our common mommy status.”
Okay, maybe I’d say this with a bit more finesse and less desperation so as not to strike fear into your heart.
That is one lovely baby.
Great post.
Holy Exciting Birth Story Batman!
Congratulations to the new mama and proud aunt.
a beautiful picture
My GOD! That is one amazing story. Congratulations to your sister and to you, Auntie Oddmother, on the new addition to your family
OH MY! You look so different! I guess i’ve not seen a picture of you in a good 5 years You look great and the baby is so cute
OH MY! You look so different! I guess i’ve not seen a picture of you in a good 5 years You look great and the baby is so cute
OH MY! You look so different! I guess i’ve not seen a picture of you in a good 5 years You look great and the baby is so cute
OH MY! You look so different! I guess i’ve not seen a picture of you in a good 5 years You look great and the baby is so cute
OH MY! You look so different! I guess i’ve not seen a picture of you in a good 5 years You look great and the baby is so cute
OH MY! You look so different! I guess i’ve not seen a picture of you in a good 5 years You look great and the baby is so cute
OH MY! You look so different! I guess i’ve not seen a picture of you in a good 5 years You look great and the baby is so cute
OH MY! You look so different! I guess i’ve not seen a picture of you in a good 5 years You look great and the baby is so cute
OH MY! You look so different! I guess i’ve not seen a picture of you in a good 5 years You look great and the baby is so cute
OH MY! You look so different! I guess i’ve not seen a picture of you in a good 5 years You look great and the baby is so cute
Wow – great story! Congratulations to your sister!