Real Moms Are Not The Focus

In honor of Mother’s Day (you know, the day we’re supposed to take it easy?), I’m dejavuing this entry from a couple of months ago. Happy Mama’s Day to all!

I am the supporting cast to a crew of divas and drama queens.

I spent a good 15 years of my adult life focusing on me, me, me. I was the center of my universe, and I was pretty happy with this.

Now I have three babes, ages 6 and under, and the focus is no longer on me.

MY needs, MY wants, MY thoughts . ..well, let’s just say that I can sometimes feel a bit like this picture illustrates.

Enter the Real Mom Truths contest! The winner will receive this amazing 4G iPod Nano and Chocolate gift set, plus a link to their post on True Mom Confessions on Mother’s Day

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