“Have you tested the Googleability of your name?”
Alpha Dogma asked this question, and I was curious. What would I find when I first typed in my name and then the kids’ names (putting quotation marks around each name)?
There were a couple of surprises, such as the old Tripod website I had set up for Belly when she was born (and thought I had taken down).
And, I found this photo of Jilly and D:
The photo was taken by a community newspaper photographer at our CSA pickup spot. The CSA was celebrating local foods at a Family Fun Day; this little calf, Strawberry, came from a raw-milk dairy in the area.
I love the look on Jilly’s face, and the tiny “o” D is making with his mouth. And, I love Strawberry’s silent “moooooooooooo!”
Let me know if you find anything of interest when you Google yourself.
What an adorable shot! When I google my name, I come up with a prominent NCAA athlete and, of course, a porn star.
Hooray for me.
It appears that I’m a renowned author, scholar and bimb with a MySpace page.
Man, I shoulda kept my maiden name.
That photo is awesome! Jilly’s expression says so much.
I was relieved that neither of my kids share names with porn stars nor murderers.
I love that picture!
I’ve tried googling us but we don’t come up, and I’m just fine with that :-).
That is the best picture! What a great thing to find googling…
I’ll give it a shot myself.
I get this annoying article that a grad student wrote about me for our alumni pub right as like the 3rd google hit. I hate it because all the facts are wrong and it makes it seem like I lied about my resume – I cringe anytime anyone tells me they came across it.
I have googled myself before and found nothing very interesting—my master’s thesis, another publication I wrote while working at a bioethics firm, and I think that’s it. Boring. I had never googled my kids before you suggested it though but I didn’t find anything on them—I’m guessing that’s good, yes?
Mostly I get my own postings on genealogy site, my Witchvox postings, and assorted Pagany stuff.
When I google my son’s name, I get two things. One is my posting about a DNA surname project; the other is some silly MySpace page.
Terribly thrilling.