My vote for February’s ROFL award goes to Sarah at Ordinary Days for her innocent little post about, ahem, Scrabble. Try not to choke on your coffee when you read it.
Want even more? You can see all the month’s nominees at Chicky, Chicky Baby and Oh, The Joys. Click here for more info and come play along in March!
Want even more? You can see all the month’s nominees at Chicky, Chicky Baby and Oh, The Joys. Click here for more info and come play along in March!
I’ve also reviewed a cool new nightlight for Sylvania—seriously, their PalPODzzz rocket and ladybug nightlights are too cute and double as flashlights! Which means that maybe your kids will leave your flashlights alone so you can find them during the next power outage.
Great pick!! If I had remembered that it was ROFL time I would have nominated the exact same post. Either that or the one by Redneck Mommy on the massage lotion.