Like a breath of fresh air


A bus pulled up this afternoon around 4, carrying our child.

Finally, after last year’s disappointment, we got a child.

There was a crowd of us waiting, with handmade signs, to cheer the bus into the parking lot. A smaller crowd than normal since there were only 15 kids on this bus, not the usual 50 or more.

I wondered if there were 35 kids who could not be placed because there weren’t enough host families.

But, we have our girl.


Her name is blurred out but she is very real, almost nine, and fitting in well.

And for the next week, our Fresh Air girl will be part of our family. I’m sure the experience will be as special for us as it is for her.

Welcome A! We’re so glad you are here.


  1. Magic and Mayhem says

    Oh how wonderful! I wish this were in our part of the country. I'd love to take a child along on our adventures. Can't wait to hear more. 🙂

  2. Magic and Mayhem says

    Oh how wonderful! I wish this were in our part of the country. I'd love to take a child along on our adventures. Can't wait to hear more. 🙂

  3. How wonderful for both you and A!

    PS I was all set to be super duper impressed at your kids' mad art skillz with the whole spiral writing thing – then I realized you'd just blurred it digitally for privacy. Nevermind. (Still looks way cool though.)

  4. How wonderful for both you and A!

    PS I was all set to be super duper impressed at your kids' mad art skillz with the whole spiral writing thing – then I realized you'd just blurred it digitally for privacy. Nevermind. (Still looks way cool though.)

  5. Whee… Enjoy having a fourth! Can't wait to meet her.

  6. Whee… Enjoy having a fourth! Can't wait to meet her.

  7. Hooray for her and you! Have a blast.

  8. Hooray for her and you! Have a blast.

  9. Yay! I remember the disappointment from last year. Hope everyone has a GREAT time this summer!

  10. Yay! I remember the disappointment from last year. Hope everyone has a GREAT time this summer!

  11. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    How cool! I remember last year's disappointment. Hope the week goes wonderfully for all of you!

  12. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    How cool! I remember last year's disappointment. Hope the week goes wonderfully for all of you!

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